Up Close Show: Measure D is attempt to overturn Board of Supervisor’s $60k salary cap

Tom Murphy of the government watchdog Red Brennan Group sat down with Z107.7s Gary Daigneault on Friday’s (September 9, 2022) Up Close Show. Murphy took a deep dive into the backstory on ballot measure D which country voters will have a chance to vote for or against on the November 8 General Election ballot.

Murphy explained how measure D is an attempt by the board of supervisors to overturn the 2020 election’s county measure K which was approved by a super majority of voters and would limit county supervisors to a single four-year term with an annual salary cap of $60,000.

Murphy said “Your listeners, their tax dollars are paying for the county supervisors to overturn that two-thirds vote.”

As for the title of ballot measure D, which is “AMENDMENTS TO THE COUNTY CHARTER FOR TAXPAYER PROTECTION AND GOVERNMENT REFORM,” Murphy said, “They are essentially ‘gaslighting voters.’”

Murphy urged voters to resist being manipulated and to read ballot measure D and vote against it.
Measure D with relevant sections highlighted may be found at RedBrennan.org under “Vote No on D.”

You can hear the full conversation on the Up Close Show podcast – available right here and anywhere you get your podcasts.

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