UFO returns to Landers   

At present, the UFO sign remains at Landers’ Belfield Hall for safekeeping.

Sometime shortly after sunset last night (Feb. 28, 2024) a flying saucer-like object eight feet wide and four feet tall miraculously returned to the demonstration garden outside the Landers Post Office. The iconic UFO sign vanished from the same location eight months ago to the day.

Landers resident Jody Barnes did a double take last night when he spotted the sign outside the post office. He immediately recognized it as Landers artist Randy Brill’s whimsical creation that first appeared there in 2018. The sign presented a natural photo opportunity capturing the attention of passersby until it mysteriously disappeared at the end of last June.

Noting the sign was in good shape but unsecured, Barnes phoned his friend Ken Ballou at the Landers Homestead Valley Association. The two of them carefully transported the sign a few blocks east to Belfield Hall for safekeeping.

Preliminary plans call for some touch-up paint before it is re-erected at the post office demonstration garden.

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