Twentynine Palms Planning Commission meeting recap for 1/21

The first Public Hearing concerned the Cholla Laundromat, located at 6543 Cholla Avenue. The Planning Commission recommended that the requested time extension for another 2-year period be approved. This extension will expire on July 22, 2026.

The second Public Hearing concerned a recycling buyback center/small collection facility. A request was submitted to find the project exempt from CEQA, which was approved. This project was originally submitted as an Administrative Use Permit, but at the December meeting, the Commission directed the applicant to submit a Conditional Use Permit. This permit was approved unanimously for the recycling center, which is not to exceed 500 square feet. Conditions of the approval require that all recycling be picked up on a daily basis. Also stipulated, was the thorough emptying of any liquid residues before recycling. The property must be inspected for rodents and insects by professional exterminators on a monthly basis.

Should the Commission’s approval be appealed, this must take place within 10 days.

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