Twentynine Palms City Council discuss budget, arts, and 29! sign repair

Last night’s meeting began by recognizing Elisabeth Marshall and her acceptance into the Naval Academy. Next, the City recognized the Rotary Club for participating in the Trash for Cash program.

With community input, the City Council discussed the Public Arts Advisory Committee (PAAC) recommendation to restore and move Chuck Caplinger’s 29! Sculpture from its current site to Freedom Plaza. The Council voted to approve the repair and further discuss making its current location more accessible.

San Bernardino Battalion Chief Bill Villarino updated the Council on the San Bernardino Fire Department promotions, staffing shortages, and implementing programs to bring in recruits. Despite completing milestones over the last year, the County Fire Department has struggled to keep up with vacancies and retirements. The challenges of recruiting and training paramedics included fewer applicants and increased costs. The department has implemented a program to send EMTs to paramedic schools to retain them long-term. In conclusion, getting to schools to promote the fire service is essential.

The Council recognized May 2024 as Mental Health Awareness Month and added a proclamation recognizing May 2024 as Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month. May 2024 is also California Tourism Month. The Council then heard a summary of WORKSHOP29 by the Public Arts Advisory Committee. Sarah Lyons, representative of the Public Arts Advisory Committee, presented a brief update on events funded by the Creative Core grants through a short video.

The Council then considered an update to the current fee waiver policy from September 1989, allowing unlimited free city-owned facility rentals to qualified organizations. Parks and Recreation offered an updated document and recommendations. It was unanimously voted to agree on the revised recommendations and allow for a three-day fee waiver to nonprofits and public organizations.

Finally, the Council reviewed the preliminary FY 2024-25 budget revisions for the General Fund. The City budget has a projected surplus of $160,000. The budget will be voted on May 28. 

Preliminary Budget strategic priorities are:

  • The New Animal Shelter
  • Addition of a Sheriff Detective
  • Ballfield Lights 
  • Theater 29 Expansion
  • Housing and Homeless Advisory Committee
  • Events
  • IT Improvements
  • Debt Financing to pay for significant improvements
  • Revenue Augmentation to pay for debt Financing
  • Emergency Response Plan
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Hilary Sloane
After a long successful career as a Photostylist and producer in New York and Los Angeles, Hilary Sloane moved to the Morongo Basin and began a new career as a journalist and documentary photographer, getting a journalism certification from Michigan State. Hilary is a member of the Society of Environmental Journalists (SEJ) and has documented the work of local and International non-profits. She has a podcast on Sound Cloud and is looking forward to adding more. Her favorite pastime is watching the wildlife around her home, traveling, and meeting new people.