A proposed 184 acre solar array in Twentynine Palms is the subject of a public scoping meeting this Thursday at 5PM.
According to the California Environmental Quality Act – or CEQA – a scoping meeting is a place where multiple agencies and city representatives can meet publicly to discuss the possible environmental impacts of a large project. In this case, that project is a 184 acre solar array that will eventually consist of 160,000 panels, along with inverters and the infrastructure necessary to move the power underground to Edison’s substation located on the south side of Two Mile Road and just east of Canyon Road. The site is part of a larger 477-acre parcel of vacant undeveloped desert.
The public scoping meeting discussing the project is this Thursday at 5pm at Patriotic Hall in Luckie Park.
The public review period ends on March 29th – you can get more information here on Twentynine Palms’ website.