Local NewsYucca Valley

The Yucca Valley Town Council will receive a County update from Board Chair and 3rd District Supervisor, Dawn Rowe

At tonight’s meeting, the Yucca Valley Town Council will receive a County update from Board Chair and 3rd District Supervisor, Dawn Rowe.

Miss Yucca Valley and the Court will be introduced at tonight’s Yucca Valley Town Council meeting. The Council will also receive and file the Legislative Program Goals and Strategies, which include direction for the Town Council and staff throughout the year to advocate legislative interests at the Federal, State, and County levels.

Additional department reports will include Essig Park Survey & Measure Y Park Improvements and a discussion of the Town-wide Mural Program. The meeting is at 6 p.m. in the Yucca Room of the Yucca Valley Community Center and will be live-streamed.

Join Zoom Meeting
https://zoom.us/j/95127934988?pwd=UUh3VU1LbXNRWnc0dDVCOUZhajlPZz09 Meeting ID: 951 2793 4988 Passcode: 603101

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