Theatre 29 is thrilled to announce the cast for its upcoming production of the beloved musical “The Sound of Music,” directed by Lisa Hodgson and Bianca Stoker. This heartwarming story follows Maria, a spirited postulant who brings joy to the seven children of the strict Captain von Trapp as they face the looming rise of Nazism in 1938 Austria.
Starring Analisa Pilecki as Maria, Graham Cooley as Captain von Trapp, and Catt Christine as Liesl, the cast also includes Nancy Abramson, Cindy Ross, Gabriel Figueredo, and many other talented performers ready to bring this timeless tale to life. The production will run December 6 to December 22, with a special opening night fundraiser on December 6 featuring a silent auction and a delightful selection of food and drinks to support Theatre 29.
Tickets are available now at or by calling the Theatre 29 Box Office at 760-361-4151.
Don’t miss your chance to experience the magic of “The Sound of Music” this holiday season!