Ted Meyer on “Up Close Show” Friday

Ted Meyer, nationally recognized artist, curator, patient advocate, writer, photographer, illustrator and filmmaker will be the guest on the Z107.7 “Up Close” show this Friday (3/17). 

Working from Twentynine Palms and Los Angeles, Meyer is the Artist in Residence at USC Keck School of Medicine and curates’ exhibitions by patients whose subject matter coincides with school curriculum. Meyer spent much of his childhood in severe pain and is influenced by his many hospital stays where he began mixing art and medical supplies.

Join host Gary Daigneault and Meyer Friday morning at 10:00 am on the Z107.7 “Up Close” show tomorrow.

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Gary Daigneault
Gary Daigneault has been a broadcast journalist for 45 years with awards and citations from the Associated Press, National Association of Broadcasters, Radio-Television News Association, Radio Inc. Magazine, five “Golden Mic” and four “Mark Twain” awards. In 2010 he was inducted into the Associated Press Hall of Fame. Daigneault taught Broadcasting for 27 years. He is President of Theatre 29, six term Past-President of Rotary Clubs, Past-President of Twentynine Palms and Joshua Tree Chambers of Commerce and chaired the Joshua Tree National Park Commission. Gary and wife Cindy live in Twentynine Palms since 1979. They have two children and five grandchildren.