“Steam Cats” robotics team qualifies to compete in two prestigious national events

Joystick-powered robot throws green ball over goal post

At last Tuesday’s MUSD meeting, Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services Amy Woods recognized the 29 Palms Junior High School “Steam Cats” Robotics team for their excellence after winning the Judge’s Award at the Harvard Westlake Challenge in Los Angeles, qualifying them to compete in the 2024 CREATE US Open in Iowa. The key criteria the Steam Cats met for that Judges Award: the team displays special attributes, exemplary effort, or perseverance; the team overcomes an obstacle or challenge and achieves a goal; the team interview demonstrates effective communication skills, teamwork, professionalism, and a student-centered spirit.

 “What this team does not know is that they’ve received notification that they’re also qualified for the 2024 California Region 3 Middle School Championship in Bakersfield, CA… Only the top 40 teams in Southern and Central California qualified,” said Woods.

Celebrated math teacher Doug Walters, the Steam Cat’s coach, gave his thanks to the Board of Trustees and attendees. “I want to thank each one of you for the support and positive vibes that you give our students. It’s because of the technology, the inspiration, the dedication of the Board and management here that allows us as teachers to help our students to achieve dreams that they could never have before.”

After the nearly two-hour meeting, Walters and his Steam Cats gave a lively demonstration in the corner of the auditorium, inside a “robotics arena” they had been constructing since 3 PM that day. Controlled by a joystick, the student-constructed robotics vehicle wowed attendees by moving diligently through the obstacles, throwing green balls over a goal post, then swinging on an overhang to a round of applause.

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Gabriel Hart
Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.