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Veterans looking to show off those marksman skills should consider signing up for the 7th Air Rifle Shooting Competition coming up the first weekend in October. Reporter Heather Clisby has details …

If you are a veteran and are looking to polish up your shooting skills, consider participating in the 7th annual Air Rifle Shooting Competition on Saturday, October 2nd from 7:30 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Hosted by Disabled American Veterans (DAV), any veteran, DAV volunteer, or active-duty members can participate. Participants younger than 18 must be accompanied and sponsored by a veteran or a civilian adult. DAV membership is not required to participate. Prizes will be awarded in different categories.

Attendees can bring their own camp chairs though shaded bleachers will be available. DAV asks that attendees do not bring alcohol, weapons and personal ammunition or pellets.

To register, attendees must provide their full name, mailing address, phone numbers and email address. To access the base, participants must provide two photo ID cards and one must be government-issued, such as a driver license or state ID card. Drivers must also provide their vehicle registration and proof of car insurance.

The DAV is a non-profit and is asking that donations for the event be submitted in advance. To donate, visit DAV.org. Sign up before the deadline, Wednesday, September 22, by reaching Mike Smith; you can find his contact info in this story at Z1077fm.com.

To reach Mike Smith:

TEXT – 760-217-4610

EMAIL: [email protected].

VOICEMAIL: 760-401-8131 or 760-830-4131 The event will be held at the Marine Corps Base, at the northern end of Adobe Road in Twentynine Palms.

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