Local News

Second trial for Arthur Davies set for September

Following numerous pre-trials and continuances, the dates for the second trial of Arthur Davies have been tentatively set for Wednesday, September 25th, following a status conference on September 19th, where they will “discuss everything to get this case moving,” said Judge Rasheed Alexander. On Friday, October 4th, they will set a further recall with the anticipation of starting jury selection on Monday, October 7th.

Last Friday’s pre-trial hearing had Davies in attendance with attorney William Sassnet, appearing for Davies’ attorney Zulu Ali. Davies was ordered to appear on all dates, while Ali was ordered to appear in person or telephonically on September 19th. District Attorney Charles Tseui emphasized that September 25th would be the first day of the trial, prohibiting defense attorney Ali from starting any other trial for the duration. Judge Alexander confirmed they would be conferencing with Ali to make sure this was understood, citing the busy schedule of both attorneys.

Last year’s trial of Arthur Davies ended in a not-guilty verdict for the alleged murder of his former girlfriend’s one-year-old son. However, Davies is still being charged with a felony of Assault on Child Causing Death, a charge resulting in last year’s mistrial and the reason he is on trial for a second time.

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Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.

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