Seattle Writer Justine Chan visits Joshua Tree to discuss her park ranger-inspired poetry book

The Desert Split Open reading series is hosting Seattle writer Justine Chan tomorrow (May 23) for an in-conversation mediated by local author Annie Connole at The Firehouse in Joshua Tree at 6pm.

Chicago-born Seattle writer/poet Justine Chan visits Joshua Tree to present her new collection, Should You Lose All Reason(s) published by Chin Music Press. Justine will read a selection, followed by a brief conversation with fellow Chin Music author and hi-desert local Annie Connole. Afterward, Justine will sign and sell books as guests are encouraged to enjoy complimentary refreshments.

Chan’s book Should You Lose All Reason(s) is unafraid of looking hard– back, down, towards, around, forward, at the stories we tell, at herself, at the desert, at the sun, at everything. In tradition with the Southern Paiute folktale, she weaves together a triptych of poems, poems both always on the move and stuck, in exile, in wilderness. Drawing from her experiences serving in AmeriCorps, working as a park ranger, and traveling across the United States, she explores race, loneliness, stories, hauntings, family, landscapes and cityscapes, climate change, survival, music, resilience, the West, and America itself.

This event starts at 6pm Tuesday, May 23rd at The Firehouse at 65430 Winters Road in Joshua Tree.

Eventbrite Tickets Available Here

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Gabriel Hart
Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.