Sci-Fi legend Michael Butterworth at Art Queen(6/17)

This Saturday, June 17th Joshua Tree’s Art Queen gallery presents British science fiction legend Michael Butterworth’s new exhibit “Circularisation” in collaboration with our local Space Cowboy Bookshop. Assignment reporter Gabriel Hart has the details on this exclusive event.

Joshua Tree’s Art Queen and Space Cowboy Books present “Circularisation,” the new exhibit by U.K. science fiction legend Michael Butterworth. On display from June through July with opening night this Saturday from 6:30-8:00pm, the exhibit shows Butterworth’s groundbreaking circular-form graphic poetry designed to encourage a new way of reading, originally published in 1969 in New Worlds Magazine.

Selections from Butterworth’s poetry will be read accompanied by live musical performances by local experimental artists Phog Masheen and Field Collapse, followed by a rare screening of “House on the Borderland,” a short documentary directed by Clara Casian focusing on Butterworth and his work. For refreshments, a Taco bar will be provided by Chef Zara’s Epicurean Fling.

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Gabriel Hart
Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.