San Bernardino County BOS meets tomorrow (5/23), over 100 items on agenda

At tomorrow’s (May 23, 2023) 10 a.m. meeting of the county supervisors in San Bernardino, our Morongo Basin will significantly benefit from a handful of the more than one hundred actions on the agenda.

On supervisor’s consent calendar a resolution to approve $33,000 for a full-time probation officer in our school district for the fiscal year. The PO will provide intervention and prevention services for problems that reach beyond the school setting. Their efforts often result in reduced student delinquency and improved performance.

The board will also approve an additional $350,000 to Morongo Basin Unity Home for domestic violence intervention and shelter services for the fiscal year. Approve $600,000 to replace Morongo Valley’s County Service Area 70 F water tank which serves 88 connections. The existing 260,000-gallon tank has significant leaks and is at risk of failure. And finally, the board is expected to dissolve the Morongo Basin Municipal Advisory Council due to low public interest and a lack of viable applicants to fill vacancies.

The complete agenda and supporting documents may be viewed online at

Live and archived meeting videos are available at or via the county YouTube channel at

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