San Bernardino County BOS discuss Big Morongo cleanup, Burrtec in unincorporated areas

In San Bernardino, tomorrow (August 20, 2024) County Supervisors hold their regular twice-monthly meeting at 10 o’clock. 

Tomorrow’s agenda holds good news for Big Morongo Canyon Preserve and maybe not such good news for the 7,700 unincorporated area residents who are about to be added to Burrtec’s mandatory waste collection routes and all the charges and special sorting rules that it requires.

Tomorrow’s consent calendar includes just over $1 million for repair and replacement of the storm-damaged boardwalk, road, and parking area at Big Morongo Canyon Preserve.

Soon after that action, a public hearing will convene in connection with a number of updates and revisions to the long term solid waste management contract with Burtec. Among the revisions is the expansion of state-mandated trash and recycling collection to those areas no longer exempt due to increased population density. The expanded routes become effective October first. Those affected should have received a proposition 218 notice.

The video conferencing facility at the Bob Burke Government Center in Joshua Tree will be available for public participation in tomorrow’s meeting. 

Follow this link to the Board of Supervisors’ full agenda.

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