Risks to MUSD budget reported at last night’s board meeting (6/13)

Last night’s MUSD meeting began with a special 5:30 study session, presenting the Local Control Funding Formula for Parents alongside the 2023-24 Preliminary Budget. The overview showed grim trends risking the district’s budget, including declining enrollment, ADA protection loss, expiring one-time funds, and compensation cost pressures. The study also reported a significant decrease in the Arts, Music, and Instructional Discretionary Block Grant due to the governor’s May budget revision.

The Board recognized Student Information System Technician Juliet Diliberto, presenting her with a Certificate of Appreciation before leading the board and attendees in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Assistant Superintendent Amy Woods requested Board support to submit three applications for the Golden Bell Awards: The District Summer Institute, The PLUS (Positive Learning Using Social Skills) Program, and the Outdoor Classroom Program for Yucca Valley Elementary. Joined by SELPA (Special Education Local Plan Area) Director Heidi Burgett and ELOP (Expanded Learning Opportunities Program) Coordinator Celeste Wahlberg, the three presented to the Board, before Superintendent Dr. Vargas voiced approval of the submissions without need of vote from the Board.

After no public comment for the three scheduled hearings, the Board voted unanimously on the Local Control Accountability Plan and Budget Plan for Parents, the 2023-24 Proposed Budget and Fund Balance, and the 2022-23 Special Education Local Plan.

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Gabriel Hart
Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.