“Purple Star Status” given to Four Morongo Basin schools with military-connected students


Last night’s MUSD meeting began by honoring 29 Palms High School’s Mike Montoya, presenting him with a Certificate of Appreciation.

Assistant Superintendent Amy Woods gave a slide presentation on the Purple Star program for military-connected students.

Woods said, “Military connected students will sometimes have academic issues, emotional issues, because of the moves to other towns, other states, sometimes other countries. The Purple Star program seeks to reduce this burden off the students and their families, to provide transition supports, and to identify schools particularly equipped to meet these needs.”

Woods then announced four MUSD schools: 29 Palms High School, 29 Palms Junior High, 29 Palms Elementary, and Condor Elementary to be given Purple Star status.

Woods then introduced Col. David Suggs who spoke briefly in support of the program.

All action items were passed 5 to 0, including the Transition Partnership Program Contract between MUSD and the Department of Rehabilitation, designed to jointly serve and train students with a disability for successful transition from high school to employment.

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Gabriel Hart
Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.