Local News

“Pass Here, Die Here” warns drivers of dangerous stretch of 247

If you’ve been on Highway 247 driving south from outside landers – you may have seen the striking signs warning drivers of the dangerous stretch of road they are on.

“PASS HERE – DIE HERE” is the message, warning drivers on the 2-lane highway that despite double yellow lines on many stretches of High 247, impatient and dangerous drivers illegally pass others causing accidents and fatalities along the stretch of road that heads into the Morongo Basin.

On November 20th of last year – a woman driving southbound on 247 crossed the double yellow lines just north of Olivine Road behind the crest of a hill and collided head-on with another car, killing a pregnant woman and her husband.

That Thanksgiving weekend would see another collision claiming the life of two more travelers.

The California Highway Patrol said in December of last year that they have stepped up patrols on the highway – and the “PASS HERE – DIE HERE” signs that currently sit on that stretch of Old Woman Springs Rd. act as a reminder that careless actions can have deadly consequences.

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Robert Haydon is the Online News Editor at Z107.7 He graduated from University of Oregon's School of Journalism, with a specialty in Electronic Media. Over the years, he has worked in television news, documentary film, and advertising and marketing.…

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