Operation Recognition aims to honor veterans and internees who had High School interrupted

San Bernardino County veterans who had their high school interrupted by their service in the armed forces are eligible to receive recognition and a diploma in the 16th Annual Operation Recognition Veterans Diploma Project. The ceremony awards diplomas to military veterans with an honorable discharge whose high school education was interrupted due to military service in World War 2, the Korean or Vietnam wars. It also is eligible to those who were forcibly relocated and incarcerated in Japanese American internment camps during the second world war.

Applicants must be a current San Bernardino County resident and must have been enrolled in a high school prior to enlistment or internment.

Surviving family members of those who meet the requirements are also encouraged to apply for posthumous recognition.

The project provides an opportunity for veterans and internees to receive a high school diploma, as authorized through the California Education Code. Since 2009, the project has honored and recognized nearly 300 county veterans.

To be considered for this year’s recognition, applications must be submitted by Monday, October 14. Applicants will be notified of their status by Friday, October 18, 2024, and qualified applicants will be provided with ceremony details.

There is no charge to participate.

More information and an application links is available at the San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools website.

For assistance with verification of military service and/or discharge papers, contact the San Bernardino County Department of Veterans Affairs at 866.472.8387 or 909.387.5516.

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Robert Haydon
Robert Haydon is the Online News Editor at Z107.7 He graduated from University of Oregon's School of Journalism, with a specialty in Electronic Media.