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Operation Dust Devil Week 3 – citations, rescues, towed vehicles and 1 arrest

Operation Dust Devil continues its OHV enforcement in it's third weekend.

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During the third week of Operation Dust Devil, deputies patrolled Juniper Flats to Big Bear, Morongo Valley, Yucca Valley, Landers, and 29 Palms. Deputies issued 21 California Vehicle Code Citations, 1 San Bernardino County Code Enforcement citation, towed 5 vehicles, and made 1 arrest. 

Throughout the patrol, deputies contacted 615 citizens and provided educational resources on legal riding areas and safe riding practices. 

During the weekend, deputies assigned to Operation Dust Devil were also on scene to assist fire personnel in the recovery of an off highway vehicle that had been submerged in the Deep Creek Spillway area. The occupants of the vehicle were uninjured and assisted to safety. 

Operation Dust Devil is an initiative put forth by the San Bernardino county board of supervisor, who authorized additional funding to assist with county-wide highway vehicle enforcement. 

The off-roading enforcement is meant to increase quality of life issues for residents who have complained about illegal off-roading and reckless behavior on public and private dirt roads and property.

Operation Dust Devil will continue patrols over the next several months to encourage safe and responsible off highway vehicle operation, by way of education and enforcement throughout San Bernardino County, which is over 20000 square miles.

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Robert Haydon is the Online News Editor at Z107.7 He graduated from University of Oregon's School of Journalism, with a specialty in Electronic Media. Over the years, he has worked in television news, documentary film, and advertising and marketing.…

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