New homes in Landers and Flamingo Heights may pay more for water hookup


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Like much of Morongo Basin, the last several years have seen raw land in Landers and Flamingo Heights developed for new housing at an accelerating rate. Now a proposal before the Bighorn-Desert View Water Agency’s Board, if approved, will raise the cost of bringing water to those new homes.

If approved, new water service line installs in Landers and Flamingo Heights will set new installations back $2,435 for a meter up to one inch. For installations one-and-a-half-inch and more, the customer will pay the actual cost of time and material. The Bighorn-Desert View Water Agency board is expected to vote on the increase following a public hearing at the regular 6 p.m. board meeting on February 14.

It was just October that the board set the rate at $2,200 for the same size service line. So why another increase? Inflation. Try as it might to keep charges down, the agency must cover ever-increasing costs. Following board approval, the new charges will go into effect in 60 days.

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