New Food Distribution in Morongo Basin for Seniors

Most senior citizens live on a fixed income – and there are over 5.2 million seniors that had food insecurity in 2020 according to – that’s about 1 in 15 senior citizens. If you or someone you know has had to make the difficult decision between food and bills – a new program may be able to help.

The Community Supplemental Food Program (or CSFP) provides free monthly food boxes filled with non-perishable canned meats, vegetables, dry goods, shelf-stable milk cheese and fresh produce. These boxes are meant to fill the gap that can sometimes exist for senior citizens’ food needs – inflation and other other outside economic factors can lead to extreme food insecurity for those of us on a fixed income.

The program is being brought to the Morongo Basin by FIND Food Bank in partnership with Reach Out Morongo Basin, the 29 Palms Food Pantry, Feed 29, the USDA and California Department of Social Services.

The food boxes will be distributed the first Tuesday of each month from the 29 Palms Senior Center – to be eligible to receive a box you must be 60 years or older, and you must make LESS than 130% of the Federal Poverty Level – that’s about $17,600 for a single person. The program requires pre-registration at the 29 Palms Senior Center on 6539 Adobe Road during regular business hours, which are from 9 to 5 Monday through Friday.

For more information on signing up and eligibility- you can call Reach Out Morongo Basin at 760-361-1410.

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Robert Haydon
Robert Haydon is the Online News Editor at Z107.7 He graduated from University of Oregon's School of Journalism, with a specialty in Electronic Media.