Local News


Under a ballot measure entitled, “Revised Charter: County of San Bernardino,” the board of supervisors has proposed a new county charter. But before supervisors can enact the proposed charter, they need approval from the voting public at the November general election. In this report we continue our coverage of the main points of the new charter with a look at the provisions for filling irregular vacancies on the board of supervisors. Here’s reporter Mike Lipsitz…

When a county supervisor leaves office prior to the end of his/her term, current rules require the remaining four supervisors appoint a replacement within 30 days of the vacancy. If no appointment is made by the 30th day, California’s governor may name a replacement. The proposed new charter gives supervisors 60 days in which to fill the seat or call for a special mail -in ballot election. If the board fails to act within those 60 days, then a special election will automatically be triggered. This provision removes the governor from the equation, giving sitting supervisors a good deal more room to do as they please.

Join us in our next report when we will look at how the proposed charter would change the county’s right to exercise eminent domain. You can review specifics of the proposed new charter and leave comments at newcharter.sbcounty.gov.

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