New bill hopes to ease transition to UC system for California community college students

Among the many new California laws going into effect as of January 1st, the horizons of community college students are being streamlined with Assemblyman McCarty’s AB1291, or the University of California Associate Degree for Transfer Pilot Program, which will guarantee them transfer to a UC campus and save students money by offering the chance to earn two degrees in four years.

Beginning with UCLA, the program will prioritize admission of students earning an associate degree for transfer, or ADT, from selected community colleges and redirect those students who meet those requirements despite their denied admission to the applicable campus, offering admission to at least one other campus. In other words, a student may not get their first choice of UC school but will be guaranteed enrollment in another UC school if they meet general criteria. 

Expanding these ADTs to the UC system will allow qualified community college transfer students to fulfil the requirements of an ADT as well as meeting criteria for participating UC and CSU campuses, which will streamline the transfer process and save students money and time with the chance to earn two degrees in four years. 

However, all the specific majors have yet to be determined, and under the Donahoe Higher Education Act, The University of California will have to declare at least eight majors by the 2026-27 school year, and at least twelve by 2028-29. At least four of the majors will be in science, technology, engineering, or math fields. It should be noted that though this is going into effect as of January 1st, the transfers won’t be applicable until the 2026-27 school year. 

For more information on AB1219:

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Gabriel Hart
Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.