Native American Land Conservancy seeks volunteers for cleanup in Morongo Valley

On April 12 and April 19, the Native American Land Conservancy (NALC) invites volunteers to a Tend the Land event in the Hi-Desert. The two-day cleanup will be held to restore Bear’s Water (Hunat Paac Pihaaka’), a private NALC preserve in Morongo that is not currently open to the public. Volunteers will help weed invasive vegetation, pick up trash, and tend to the property while learning about the cultural and natural heritage of Native lands from NALC staff. Volunteers may participate in one or both of the Tend the Land days.

Founded in 1998, The NALC is a nonprofit organization dedicated to preserving sacred lands. It was formed by the leadership of several Southern California tribes, including the Twenty-Nine Palms Band of Mission Indians, all with a mutual interest in conserving sacred sites not located on a Native reservation. The NALC protects several sites within the region, including the Old Woman Mountains Preserve and Coyote Hole. In addition to restoration, the NALC provides educational programs for Native American youth and the general public and collaborates with other conservation organizations to research the flora and fauna of sacred lands.

The Tend the Land will be held on two Fridays, April 12 and April 19. Space is limited, and all volunteers must be registered for either one or both days to attend.

Tending the Land Volunteer Registration

Native American Land Conservancy Website

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