Native American Land Conservancy holds “Speaking Landscapes” workshop and guided hike Saturday (9/14) 

This Saturday, The Native American Land Conservancy will be holding a special event at Hunat Paač Piháaka, their recently re-acquired land in Morongo Valley from 10am to 1pm. The day will center on indigenous art and perspectives on land management, plus a guided hike around Hunat Paač Piháaka.

Located at the top of Big Morongo Canyon, the property at Hunat Paač Piháaka (or “Bear’s Water”) is a shade covered wonder with a running river alongside the NALC’s new educational center. “Speaking Landscapes” is a program offered by the NALC where the community can take part in workshops from Cultural educators, artists, and land managers with a focus on the traditional and contemporary lives, values, and futures of Native people. Presenters include Mountain Cahuilla Rose Ann Hamilton, a highly regarded traditional Cahuilla basket weaver and educator who has been sharing her art and history with many communities both regionally and nationally for many years, and Maidu and Chemehuevi Alicia Adams, a Traditional Artist and educator at the Chemehuevi Cultural Center located in Havasu Lake, CA.

Registration is required as space is limited. Reach out to [email protected] or visit their website at

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Gabriel Hart
Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.