MVCSD votes in new President, Commission Titles

2. Fire Chief James Brakebill swears in Michael Emory, James Ronald Whitney, and Jennifer Henning

While last night’s MVCSD meeting lasted nearly two hours, it began with a vital lightning-round of shifting titles and new faces… starting with the board of directors honoring former Vice President Shawna Johnson for her end of term, awarding her with a plaque of appreciation.

Next, new members Michael Emory and James Ronald Whitney were sworn in as directors alongside Jennifer Henning who was re-elected, then Henning was promptly voted as the new President of MVCSD with James Ronald Whitney voted in as Vice President. Commissioner titles were then handed out, starting with Henning as Legislative Commissioner, Johnny Talbert as Finance Commissioner, former President Christina Gorke as Park Commissioner, and Michael Emory as Fire Commissioner.

Emory said, “The reason why we participate and volunteer our time for this board is for transparency, to find opportunities for this community, and to explore that as much as humanly possible.” New Vice President James Ronald Whitney concurred, adding, “Philosophically, we’re looking at two phases here. One, to fix things that are broken, and to make sure things run seamlessly.

Once phase one is done, we can then start adding improvements. Let’s get everything perfect, then make it incredible.”

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Gabriel Hart
Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.