MeetingsMorongo Valley

MVCSD votes in new members at last night’s meeting

Now with a legal quorum of four members, The Morongo Valley Community Services District Board of Directors were finally able to hold their regular 6pm meeting last night at Covington Park’s Multi-Purpose Room for the first time in over four months. Assignment reporter Gabriel Hart was in attendance and has the recap for us today.

With new directors Lynn Watts and Lance Fisher recently appointed to the board, the MVCSD exuded a calm atmosphere of hopeful focus with four months’ worth of overdue agenda items to be addressed.

First, General manager and Fire Chief James Brakebill reported the fire prevention department “stepping up” of fire inspections to local businesses after a high-risk weekend fighting nearby fires in Desert Hot Springs and strike team efforts at the Rabbit Fire in Hemet.

Board members voted former Park Commissioner Christina Gorke as President, and Lynn Watts as Vice President, with Lance Fisher filling the Fire Commissioner position left vacant by the recent resignation of Michael Emory. The Board is taking applications for the remaining fifth seat, aiming to fill the seat by August 12th at a 10am budget workshop special meeting.  

In the wake of Best, Best, and Krieger’s resignation as MVCSD’s legal counsel, Board members approved to reinstate Brunick, McElahaney, and Kennedy in their place. Steve Kennedy, who was in attendance and never received a termination letter from the Board, said “it would be an honor to continue serving the community.” The firm has represented the MVCSD since 2014.

Finance Director Johnny Tolbert presented four months of handwritten financial records to the Board, offering full transparency to the community by answering questions from attendees.

The Board approved the annual Fire Suppression Assessment and Agreement of Special Taxes, Fees, and Assessments for Fiscal Year of 2023-24, as well as the annual audit engagement letter from Smith Marion and Co.      Reporting for Z1077, this is assignment reporter Gabriel Hart.

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Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.

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