MVCSD to discuss website upgrades and Christmas tree lighting ceremony at tonight’s special meeting


Recently, the district engaged in a discussion regarding its involvement in the online community. The current MVCSD website features do not adequately facilitate community engagement. Consequently, an online survey was conducted, and many respondents expressed a desire for the district to establish an online presence. To address this issue, office staff propose upgrading to the website. It is recommended that the Board of Directors review, discuss and approve upgrading the website to the “community pro package” to allow for more online engagement with the public. 

The office staff is organizing a community tree lighting event for Christmas and is currently seeking the necessary materials to make it a success. It is recommended that the Board of Directors review, discuss and approve a purchase for event supplies not to exceed $150.  

The office staff is committed to enhancing their professional development to improve the efficiency of the district. They have requested the procurement of tickets for the Fire Law webinars titled “Advanced Disciplinary Issues” and “FLSA Bootcamp for Volunteer and Combination Fire Departments.” Each webinar carries a registration fee of $150. It is recommended that the Board of Directors review, discuss and approve office staff to purchase tickets for both webinars. 

Continuing this week, expect road closures on Twentynine Palms Highway east of Twentynine Palms this week, as Caltrans conducts overlay work on the state highway. Lanes may be reduced to one lane at a time, with flagging operations and traffic escorts on Twentynine Palms Highway between Gopher Grove Rd and Gold Crown Rd. 

Crews will work at various locations within the project zone, weekdays between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. this week.

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Gabriel Hart
Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.