MVCSD to discuss installation of a Smokey Bear fire danger sign in Morongo Valley

For the meeting’s agenda, A Memorandum of Understanding aims to establish a partnership between the Desert Region Fire Safe and the MVCSD for the organization, design, installation, maintenance, and ownership responsibilities of a “Smokey the Bear Fire Danger Sign” in Morongo Valley. The Board will discuss, review, and approve the MOU.

The MVCSD was recently awarded the AFG Grant to fund new self-contained breathing apparatuses. However, equipment not authorized to be funded was delivered, and efforts to return the items failed. The good news is that Allstar Fire is willing to defer payment until November, and it’s recommended the Board review, discuss, and approve the invoice. 

The Board will discuss, review, and approve the Fire Department’s apparatus attending the “Great Shakeout” in October. Sponsored by the Morongo Basin Community Emergency Response Team, the event showcases the emergency entities, first responders, support systems, fire and law forces, military and other organizations who support the Morongo Basin. 

The fire department’s Brush Engine 461 is overdue for its annual maintenance service, so it’s recommended the Board discuss, review, and approve its servicing. 

The Board is also recommended to discuss Resolution 24-05 Schedule of Fees, and approval of a loan from Bank of America.

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Gabriel Hart
Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.