MVCSD to discuss fire apparatus repair and tree removal at special meeting Wednesday (2/5) in Covington Park

The Morongo Valley Community Services District will be holding a special meeting tonight in Covington Park’s Mesquite Room at 6:00 p.m., regarding fire apparatus repairs and tree removal.

For the meeting’s agenda, it is recommended that the Board of Directors discuss, review, and approve repairs for the Fire Department’s Medic Engine 461 not to exceed $15,000, as discussed during the Regular Board Meeting of January 15, 2025. Another request to authorize the diagnostic and repair for Water Tender 461, and recommended that the Board of Directors discuss, review, and approve repairs not to exceed $1,000.  

On January 23, 2025, the CSD office staff received a complaint from code enforcement about the fallen trees in Covington Park, and the office has coordinated with Burrtec and KK Rents to address the issue. KK Rents has generously agreed to donate the use of a tractor to the district, and Burrtec management has approved the donation of four roll-off boxes. While the box rental is free, the district will be responsible for the weight cost, which is $62.04 per ton for organics. It is recommended that the Board of Directors discuss, review, and approve removing the trees from Covington Park with a budget not to exceed $500.

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Gabriel Hart
Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.