MVCSD passes voluntary revenue plan (VRP) at Wednesday’s meeting

The Morongo Valley Community Services District Board of Directors held their regular 6PM meeting last night in Covington Park’s multipurpose room.

In the continued search for a new general manager, the GM Ad-Hoc Committee, composed of Board Vice President Lynn Watts and Fire Commissioner Lance Fisher, have narrowed down four applicants from the thirteen received, who they plan to interview at an upcoming special meeting. In the meantime, CSD Administrative Coordinator Brittany Chavez will step up as interim GM.

The Board adjourned into an hour-long closed session, where they conferenced with a labor negotiator during Fire Chief Brakebill’s performance evaluation, overseen by the district’s attorney Steve Kennedy. There were no reportable actions from the closed session.

For action items, the Board discussed changes to the Fire Chief’s job description. Because there were many changes to the redraft, approval was tabled until the next meeting; along with updates to the Fire Chief contract, updates to the CSD Handbook, and the approval of Smith Marion and Co’s audit report, which the Board has yet to receive.

The Board passed President Gorke’s proposed MVCSD Supporter Program, since redrafted to the Voluntary Revenue Plan, or VRP. The plan allows Morongo residents to pay a small monthly or annual fee as a chance to support the district facing revenue challenges. With this support, residents will request the CSD waive any balance post insurance payments received for no-fault emergency services that occur in their home or in the district. For more information on this plan, please visit this story at

Lastly, the Board passed the motion to take all outstanding non-resident bills from EF Recovery to collections.

Link to Voluntary Revenue Plan (PDF link):

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Gabriel Hart
Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.