MVCSD discusses revenue ideas at last night’s special meeting

The Morongo Valley Community Services District Board of Directors held a special meeting last night at 6Pm in Covington Park’s multipurpose room.

The only item on the agenda of this special meeting was an open discussion regarding revenue possibilities for the MVCSD, an item continued since last month’s regular meeting. With the MVCSD continuing to be over budget, Finance Director Johnny Tolbert said, “If we don’t find a way to get more money to our fire department, we will lose the department.” With a new State Law looming on June 1st that could potentially affect Morongo Valley, firefighter’s wages would increase from $16 to $23 an hour. Since the current Fire Assessment rate is unable to be changed, Tolbert suggested instating a new flat tax for Morongo residents that would have to be voted on by 2/3rds majority vote if it were to pass.

Conversely, President Gorke proposed a residential “membership” plan, where single residents would pay approximately $10 a month ($125 annual) as a Fire and Paramedic Emergency Services Fund, with larger households at approximately $33 a month ($400 annual). In addition, Gorke suggested a “sponsor your neighbor” program, where if a resident could afford more, they could help another resident in need. Most attendees voiced their support of Gorke’s plan, with many suggesting the language be changed to a term less exclusionary than “membership.” Gorke said she would clean-up the proposal to be revisited as an action item at next month’s regular meeting.

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Gabriel Hart
Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.