MVCSD discusses Community Risk Reduction Program, assessing properties for fire hazards aiming to lower homeowners insurance

Fire Chief McEachen discussed his Community Risk Reduction Program, where in effort to make Morongo Valley a “firewise” area and help lower homeowner’s insurance, the department will be making visits to residents for defensible space inspections to mitigate as many fire hazards as possible. While the Chief made an in-depth introduction, the item was tabled for further discussion.

General Manager Brittany Chavez reported the district was allocated $38,000 in additional FEMA funds from last year’s tropical storm damage, as well reported updates to the CSD website which includes a streamlined community mailing list. Chavez also gave an update on the Morongo Valley tree lighting ceremony on December 3rd, which will start at Small Town Grill at 6pm and carry on to the Fire Station, ending at 8:00 p.m.. All supplies have been donated for this event, but the CSD will be holding an ongoing community donation Wish List for all future events— such as Community Cleanup Day, which will take place in Covington Park on Saturday, January 25th from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., where local volunteers can help beautify the park in exchange for a complimentary BBQ meal. The CSD are asking for donations such as industrial strength trash bags and such, to be posted on the CSD website in the coming days. 

Some essential fire department purchases were approved by the Board: one heavy-duty battery charger at $350, and eight fire shelters at $4800, to be split with the Morongo Fire Auxiliary at  $2400 for CSD’s share.

For continued business, there has been a remaining $2171 from the 2018 Per Capita Grant the CSD has been discussing options for. The Board approved to use the money for two full-sized community bulletin boards—one for Covington Park, and another for the front of the Fire Station.

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Gabriel Hart
Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.