Local NewsMeetingsMorongo Valley

MVCSD discuss new Fire Hazard Abatement Program for Morongo Valley residents at tonight’s meeting

The Morongo Valley Community Services District Board of Directors will hold their regular 6PM meeting tonight in Covington Park’s multipurpose room.

For new business on the agenda, the board will discuss a residential Fire Hazard Abatement Program, where MVCSD would pay roughly $11,400 per year to have the County visually inspect properties, issue citations, enforce those citations, abate the property if necessary, and collect all fees associated with that process. The inspections would happen twice per year, Spring and Fall. This would be utilized as a fire prevention program safety measure that will help reduce the risk of wildland fires due to non-defensible spaces in the area. 

For the Lexipol Service Agreement for Policy Manual, The Firefighter Auxiliary has agreed to pay the downpayment of $950 out of the total amount of $3,750. Lexipol has agreed to defer payment to December with quarterly payments of $950. It is recommended that the Board of Directors review, discuss and approve the Lexipol Service Agreement for an updated fire department policy manual. Lexipol provides resources to help leaders reduce risk, improve public safety policy and deliver effective fire department, corrections, EMS and law enforcement training and wellness in California. 

Both of the MVFD’s EKG monitors need their annual preventative maintenance and calibration to ensure that they are working properly. Previously, MVFD has used a preventative maintenance contract through Stryker costing $5,000 annually. Coast Biomedical would be a less costly alternative to Stryker. It is recommended that the Board of Directors review, discuss and approve the Biomedical credit application.  

The Board will discuss and approve best ways to spend the remaining amount of  $2,171 left to utilize from the 2018 Per Capita Grant. Lastly, the Board will review, discuss, and approve a promotional enrollment for the Voluntary Revenue Plan, an effort by the district to collect additional revenue that can quickly impact the budget to ensure services are available for the community of Morongo Valley by properly maintaining equipment and offering comparable wages to retain highly trained professionals.

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Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.

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