MVCSD agenda for tonight’s meeting at Covington Park, 4/19


The Morongo Valley Community Services District Board will be holding their regular meeting tonight at 6pm in the Multi Purpose Room at Covington Park.

For tonight’s MVCSD meeting there will be an announcement of reportable closed session items, followed by a “Fire Safe Council” presentation by Justin Merino of the High Desert Emergency Action Alliance.

Action items include: a review, discussion, and vote on Board titles of President, Vice President, Finance Director, Park Commissioner, and Fire Commissioner; a review and discussion of previous Fiscal Year budgets and recommended items for Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget Cycle; a discussion and approval for Budget Workshop; a discussion and approval for placement of ADA toilets in Covington Park.

For Continued Business, Fire Chief James Brakebill will provide an update on the brush patrol vehicle for maintenance staff.

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Gabriel Hart
Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.