MVCSD Ad-Hoc Committee holding meeting during regular MVCSD time

Though their regularly scheduled meeting was cancelled, the Morongo Valley Community Service District’s Community Relations Ad-Hoc Committee will be holding a meeting at the same time and at the same place, Wednesday evening (May 17) in Covington Park’s multi-purpose room at 6pm.

The Morongo Valley Community Relations Ad-Hoc Committee is composed of MVCSD Board Finance Director Johnny Tolbert and Park Commissioner Christina Gorke.

Gorke said, “The committee goal has been community engagement outside of regular CSD meetings. We don’t have a set agenda, but I will be giving updates regarding the park and community center. Hopefully Chief Brakebill or fire department staff will be able to join.”

The meeting will be Wednesday May 17th at 6pm in Covington Park’s multi-purpose room, open to all community members.

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Gabriel Hart
Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.