MVCSD accepts Fire Chief James Brakebill’s retirement notice at last night’s special meeting

Last night, the Morongo Valley Community Services District Board of Directors held a special meeting in Covington Park’s multipurpose room, where they accepted Morongo Valley Fire Chief James Brakebill’s notice of retirement.

Citing his 69-years of age and looming health issues, Brakebill said retirement was a hard decision and that leaving the position felt like “leaving a family.”

Finance Director Johnny Tolbert made a motion for the Board to accept Brakebill’s retirement letter with the caveat they have a retirement ID and badge made as well as a proclamation or resolution in Brakebill’s name. The motion passed 5/0 as each Board member gave thanks to Brakebill.

“It’s been wonderful. It’s just a nice capstone to my career. I couldn’t have picked a better department to retire from. And I mean that sincerely,” he said.

Continuing his upstanding integrity for the district’s future even in the wake of announcing his retirement, Brakebill added, “If you ever need my skill set on a temporary basis, if you’re ever in a bind, I’ll come back as a volunteer.”Brakebill’s retirement will be effective May 12th, 2024. Until the department is given a replacement, MVCSD’s organizational chart puts General Manager Brittany Chavez in charge of overseeing the Fire Department.

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Gabriel Hart
Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.