MUSD to approve joint contract for students with disabilities to transition to employment


The Morongo Unified School District Board of Trustees will be holding the regular 6pm meeting tonight (February 14th) at Joshua Tree Elementary.

For tonight’s MUSD meeting, action items include:

  • a request to approve cooperative contract between MUSD and Department of Rehabilitation, designed to jointly serve and train students with disability for successful transition from high school to employment;
  • a request to adopt Resolution 22-10 Transfers of Appropriations for 2023-24; a request to approve 2021-2022 School Accountability Report Cards, which are published in 2022-2023 on the MUSD website;
  • a request to approve authorization to request for quote for the Re-Painting at Morongo Valley Elementary School & Twentynine Palms Junior High School 2023/2024 project;
  • a request to authorize advertisement for Re-Roofing bid at Palm Vista Elementary School;
  • a request to approve a contract for DSA special materials testing services in the amount of one hundred eight thousand, one hundred thirty-five dollars ($108,135.00) for the Bleacher Upgrades at Twentynine Palms High School project;
  • a request to approve architectural and designing services for the Black Rock High School & ACCE-West Portable Relocation project.

Among items for review:

  • a bylaw update to reflect NEW LAW authorizes the Board President to remove an individual for disrupting a Board meeting, establishes a procedure for warning the individual prior to their removal, and defines “disrupting” and “true threat of force,” and an update to policy/regulation on Weapons and Dangerous Instruments.
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Gabriel Hart
Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.