The Morongo Unified School District Board of Trustees held a special meeting today (November 1) at the former grounds of Joshua Tree Elementary, to review, nominate, and appoint a new trustee for their vacant Area 2 seat.
Board members began the meeting reviewing the applications from candidates John Cole and Michael Chlebik. Board Clerk Kerry Condley made a motion to not proceed with interviewing Chlebik. Citing an article reported from us at Z107.7, Condley stated Chlebik resigned from a previous term on the board on the grounds of “not being able to work with the people on the board.” Condley said, “It’s very important we choose someone who will be able to work with us and fulfill their term.” With no second to Condley’s motion, however, the motion failed to pass.
After both candidates proceeded to be interviewed by the board, the board chose John Cole to fill the seat, his unanimous nomination passing 4/0. Superintendent Dr. Patricio Vargas then swore in Cole to the Area 2 seat.