MUSD Board of Trustees expected to layoff forty-two part time positions due to lack of work and/or funds at tonight’s meeting

For the meeting’s agenda, there will be an audit report presented by Oscar Gonzalez of Nigro and Nigro.

Consent agenda items include policy updates to nondiscrimination in district programs, intervention in underperforming schools, superintendent contract, and district-sponsored social media, and a bylaw updated to reflect a new U.S. Supreme Court decision, that a district official who limits or prevents critics from speaking, such as by blocking them on social media or deleting their posts, violates the First Amendment only if the official has been granted the power to speak on behalf of the district and claims to be actually exercising that power.

Bylaw also updated to suggest that a Board member make clear when they are speaking as an individual, and not on behalf of the district, such as by adding a disclaimer to the member’s social media page.

Action items include classified layoffs due to lack of work or lack of funds, where the Board is requested to abolish single vacant positions of Custodian, Noon Supervisor, three nutritional service positions, and thirty-seven instructional assistant positions; totaling 42 positions, though most of these positions are for three-hour shifts and their vacancies are for position control purposes.

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Gabriel Hart
Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.