MUSD announces paid resident teacher program for 2023-24

The Morongo Unified School District Board of Trustees held their last regular meeting of the 2022-23 school year last night at Joshua Tree Elementary.

Last night’s MUSD meeting began by honoring District Executive Secretary Linda Hamilton, who retires this year, with a Certificate of Appreciation.

 Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources Stacy Smalling gave a presentation on the Innovative Staffing Design Process and the Residence Teacher Program to begin in the 2023-24 school year. Through the support of the San Bernardino Office of Education, MUSD has partnered with the University of Redlands to launch this paid resident teacher program, incorporating innovative staffing design to give future teachers real-time classroom experience working with veteran teachers. Smalling said, “This will result in MUSD’s ability to hire new teachers who have experienced a year-long residency in our schools and who are integrated into the fabric of MUSD culture and community.”

Director of Data Assessment, Educational Tech, and Expanding Learning Celeste Wahlberg gave an overview of the Extended Learning Opportunity Program which aims to support TK-6 schools by nurturing the “whole” child and ensuring equitable success opportunities for all students. Wahlberg affirmed that ELOP has narrowed the gaps in math achievement, created greater gains in academic and behavioral outcomes, and reduced school absences.

Board President Cathy Nelson reported a motion passed during closed session of four new principals hired for the district: Carla Buchanan at Onaga Elementary, Nicole Trejo at 29 Palms Elementary, Kristin Mary at Yucca Valley Elementary, and Britanny Rudolph at Joshua Tree Elementary. During board comments. Nelson announced MUSD superintendent Dr. Patricio Vargas’s successful performance evaluation on June 23rd, where the board extended his contract to 2027.

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Gabriel Hart
Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.