Morongo Valley’s Rawson Road Improvement nonprofit meets tonight in Covington Park


Tonight, the Morongo Valley nonprofit Rawson Road Improvement will be holding their first official meeting in Covington Park’s multipurpose room at 6 PM.

Rawson Road Improvement is the local nonprofit seeking to form a special roads district for a section of Morongo Valley where residential dirt roads are difficult to navigate due to erosion and other issues. Rawson Road Improvement’s focus is on the north side of Hwy 62, between Big Morongo Canyon and Desert Willow and to the north at Panorama, Cheyenne, and Northridge. 

At tonight’s meeting they will be discussing the final boundaries for the project, as well as making a special announcement regarding a substantial donation given by a local office to fund the initial half of the project. 

For more information on Rawson Road Improvement, please visit

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Gabriel Hart
Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.