Morongo Valley Fire Department discusses ambulance service to bolster department funds

The Morongo Valley Community Services District Board of Directors held their regular 6PM meeting last night in Covington Park’s multipurpose room.

Following up on Fire Department repairs, Fire Chief/General Manager James Brakebill reported completion of all necessary demolition, including the removal of all asbestos; the department awaits the next phase of replacing what’s been torn out. Good news continued when Brakebill stated the CSD received a $390,000 check from San Bernardino County, which is $20,000 more than anticipated, and the first of more to come in tax and repair funds.

President Gorke made a motion to change the agenda item of discussing a “community fund” to “revenue possibilities” after input from the Fire Captain, who suggested the department acquire its own ambulance for local services. He said, “That way we can keep the money in the district rather than rely on MBA.” The captain added that several southern California fire departments are taking back their right to transport their own patients to take control of the EMS services that go to the local citizens, to provide faster response, and to reserve the ability to bill and keep those funds within the department.

With the item of designating the Morongo Trail’s End Transit Station into an approved facility to dispose of organic waste, discussion from attendees convoluted matters until the Board suggested attendees organize their own Ad Hoc Committee. Since this issue appeared to affect only a small number of Morongo residents, it was suggested somebody “start their own business” to haul resident’s waste to the approved facility east of 29 Palms.

Community member and tennis enthusiast Brad Budinger presented a packet to the Board containing information to refurbish Covington Park’s tennis courts, including three bids from local refurbishing companies and initial steps to acquiring grants to fund the costly project. Impressed by his efforts, the board agreed to look into it further.

Lastly, the board accepted a bid from Norman’s Doors to repair the external doors of the CSD.

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Gabriel Hart
Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.