Morongo Valley CSD Finance Director Johnny Tolbert announces running for re-election

After announcing he would not run for re-election this year, long running Morongo Valley CSD Finance Director Johnny Tolbert has made the decision to run again for his seat with the MVCSD.

After being on the board of the Morongo Valley CSD for 13 years, Finance Director Tolbert thought his time had run its course last spring, when he announced that he would not run for re-election in November. However, Tolbert told Z107.7 this week that he is now running for re-election, mainly on account of all five CSD seats being on the ballot. 

Tolbert said, “Not knowing how many of the current board members were going to run, I felt that if I were on the ballot, it would give the citizens of our District a name on the ballot that they know who has experience with our District. And I hope the citizens of our District know how much I care about our District and our Fire Department.”

As of yesterday morning, President Christina Gorke, Fire Commissioner Lance Fisher, and Tolbert have confirmed they’re on the unofficial list for four-year term seats. President Gorke says Vice President Lynn Watts and Park Commissioner Steve Hayden plan on filing as well yet is uncertain whether it will be for four-year terms. 

Stay tuned to Z107.7 for a full run down of who is running for what seat across all elected bodies in our community.

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Gabriel Hart
Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.