Morongo Valley CSD Board Director declares resignation, once conditions are met

In response to accusations from enraged community members, many of whom are organizing recall efforts on grounds of Board members acquiring new legal counsel without consulting the community, Morongo Valley Community Services District Board Director Michael Emory has agreed to resign in 12 months under three proactive conditions.

Addressing the ongoing contention between the Morongo Valley Community Services District Board and community members attempting recalls for three Board members, Board Director Michael Emory made a closing statement at MVCSD meeting on Thursday, March 16th, agreeing to resign under three proactive conditions to bolster community participation, since much of the confusion and speculation has stemmed from low attendance at regular meetings where he believes all issues have been handled with full transparency.

Moving forward, Emory agrees to resign in twelve months under the conditions that:

1.     There will be no fewer than 60 community members at every monthly meeting.

2.     Those 60 attendees must form sub-committees of at least five people for each committee.

3.     Attendees must be respectful and engage in a positive way; no screaming, no intimidating, or harassment of community members.

Emory says, “If people can show up to scream at me, I believe the same people can show up to participate in a positive way. I believe in civil discourse and the right to be passionate and angry, but at the end of the day, its only with level heads and open conversations that we can make a change for the best interest of all community members. To make those changes, it requires consistently showing up, getting involved, and being part of the solution.”

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Gabriel Hart
Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.