Morongo Valley Community Services District recall effort raises $4000 at spaghetti fundraiser

The opposition to three Morongo Valley Community Services District board members continues with official recall efforts, organizing and fundraising to see them removed from the board. Assignment reporter Gabriel Hart spoke to Shawna Johnson, president of the Morongo Valley Recall Committee and former vice president of the MVCSD, yesterday morning after a successful Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser for the cause.

On Wednesday, April 12th, around 150 community members attended the Morongo Valley Recall Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser, hosted by Shawna Johnson, president of the Morongo Valley Recall and owner of local ice cream shop Coyote Cone. With a door price of $30 a person, with live music and door prizes, the event raised $4000 to go towards recalling three controversial MVCSD board members.

Johnson said, “It was an amazing event of really good people who have lived here most or all their life coming together for a good cause.”

The Morongo Valley Recall has made substantial progress since organizing in February, raising $11,920 of the $12,000 needed to move forward with the complicated process that started with acquiring 65 signatures to initiate. Expenses include $2500 for the first half of the campaign manager’s fee, not including expenses on supplies needed for mailers after the campaign purchases the list of local registered voters. But with local donations and fundraising already looking promising, Johnson foresees the MV Recall raising more than enough funds—anything over which will be donated to the Morongo Valley Firefighters Auxiliary.

Johnson, who was a former vice president of the MVCSD, said, “I had high hopes for the new board members, and was excited about their new energy, new ideas, but I’m disappointed of the way its unfolding.”

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Gabriel Hart
Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.