Morongo Valley Community Services District Board meeting agenda for Mar. 15

The Morongo Valley Community Services District Board will be holding their regular meeting tonight, March 15, in Covington Park’s multi-purpose room, as well as online on Zoom, at 6pm.

Tonight, the MVCSD Board will discuss and approve presenting Fire Chief Brakebill with a proclamation recognizing his accomplishments related to his duties as Fire Chief. Other action items include: discussing past legal expenses incurred by the MVCSD; a public review of engagement letter for BB&K, who members of the Board seek as new legal representation; discussion and approval for mold mitigation at Station 461.

Continued business includes: a discussion of over-budgeted spending exceeding a quarter of a million dollars ($250,000) in just six months from July 1 to December 30, 2022; and a staff update on available options for obtaining a maintenance vehicle for staff.

To attend the meeting online, use the following login on Zoom

Meeting Livestream VIA Zoom ID: 506 966 7982

Passcode: 629875

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Gabriel Hart
Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.