Morongo Unified School District Meeting Recap

At last night’s MUSD Board meeting at Joshua Tree Elementary, Assistant Superintendent Amy Woods gave a slide presentation on MUSD’s ELD Program, then answered various inquiries regarding ELD student reclassification. Program Specialist Eric Smith followed with his own presentation on proactive and inclusive Learning Centers being introduced to MUSD.

All Action Items were approved by Trustees, including resolution to certify all MUSD students be provided with standard-aligned textbooks, approval of confidential settlement between MUSD and parent of student, architectural and design services for Phase 2 upgrades at various sites, and a declaration of October 23-31 for Red Ribbon Week for anti-drug awareness.

Lastly, our own Up Close Show received a special shout out at the end of the meeting, for a fair and balanced platform given to MUSD principals Justin Monical and Mike Ruggerio who joined Gary Daigneault on the show last week to speak on September’s flare-up of on-campus violence.

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Gabriel Hart
Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.