Morongo Unified Approves Early Release Wednesdays for Next School Year


At the Morongo Unified School District Board meeting last night (April 25), a once-a-week 90-minute early release for students was approved by the MUSD Board of Education to support staff collaboration to improve student performance.

At Tuesday night’s board meeting, Morongo Unified School District’s Board unanimously approved early release days beginning in the 2023-2024 school year. Under the agreement, students will be released 90 minutes early every Wednesday, so teachers and staff can have scheduled “Collaboration Time” during the workday as a method to improve student outcomes.

Results from this year’s Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) survey, showed that 92.49% of respondents supported ongoing staff development. Along with this, the majority of California School Districts have found success in raising student achievement through regularly scheduled collaboration time for staff during a weekly minimum day.

“We listened to the feedback from our educational partners in support of ongoing staff collaboration and development, and we are fortunate to have talented and passionate educators willing to collaborate and innovate for our students. Collaboration time is well documented as a key driver to success within education and can be a game changer for staff and student outcomes,” said Superintendent Dr. Patricio Vargas. 

For families concerned about childcare opportunities on the early release Wednesdays, or after school any other day of the week, MUSD is pleased to announce the Expanded Learning Opportunity Program (ELOP) at every elementary school. This program will be available Monday through Friday for all students in grades K-6.

ELOP registration and the 2023-2024 academic calendar will be available in early May.

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Gabriel Hart
Gabriel Hart is a journalist and author from Morongo Valley, CA.